Atoley Salon and Spa is always looking for talented, passionate, and hard working individuals to join our team! We are dedicated to providing the highest quality of service for our guests, and we welcome likeminded individuals to join in our efforts.
If you’re interested in working at Atoley, we ask that you email your resume to us at [email protected].
For those looking to jumpstart a career in the hair industry, The Atoley Salon and Spa Associate Program presents you with an all-inclusive opportunity. Our Associate Program is a comprehensive, hands-on experience that provides training, education, and growth opportunities within the salon environment. We are always on the lookout for potential associates with passion, eagerness to learn, and willingness to train and be coached.
The benefits of our Associate Program include:
• 6 months of training
• Working alongside our educator stylists
• Mentoring and coaching
• Continuing education
• Strategic marketing
If you’re interested in working at Atoley, we ask that you email your resume to us at [email protected].
For those looking to jumpstart a career in the hair industry, The Atoley Salon and Spa Associate Program presents you with an all-inclusive opportunity. Our Associate Program is a comprehensive, hands-on experience that provides training, education, and growth opportunities within the salon environment. We are always on the lookout for potential associates with passion, eagerness to learn, and willingness to train and be coached.
The benefits of our Associate Program include:
• 6 months of training
• Working alongside our educator stylists
• Mentoring and coaching
• Continuing education
• Strategic marketing